We set this charity up to spread the awareness of brain tumours. Our daughter Chelsea was diagnosed with a brain tumour in November 2012 and still fighting now.
The Charity has already helped fund towards the much-needed research into brain tumours by supporting Alder Hey's research department. The Trust have also helped support the local children oncology families and children's oncology unit in Stoke.
The Chelsea Burley Trust has now purchased a static caravan in North Wales so that children on chemotherapy can have that much needed respite.
Chelsea's Butterfly's
We wanted to give Chelsea a good luck video for her going off for the Proton Beam Radiotherapy and we asked for your HELP by posting a photo of you with your very own Butterfly hand sign 🦋 So she could see everyone is right behind her.
Sadly the proton radiotherapy is on hold at the moment as Chelsea had a bleed from one of her tumour's. Chelsea is currently in Alder Hey as she rebuilds and is doing so well. Chelsea's butterfly's has now turned into a different good luck message but one she has also joined in with from hospital with visitors. So keep them coming.
#GoodLuckChelsea #TeamChelsea #Chelseasbutterflys #BrainTumourAwareness #ProtonBeam